CMM’s Vision & Company Culture
“Thoughts, ideas, principles and action that manifest and promote our strive internally for excellence and success”
Our Shared Vision
Our shared vision is to be recognized as a highly credible Global leading firm in product and mold development for companies that need an end-to-end solution for high-quality results.
To demonstrate a successful combination of using Danish Values and management style with East Asian production capabilities.
To keep improving and perfecting our development process to keep pushing boundaries of quality and performance. Build partnerships with our customers that will showcase our ability to offer high-quality solutions focused on global standards they expect and require.
The company to perfect supply chain solutions from design, modelling and testing to manufacturing, assembly and distribution.
For our technical capabilities to keep expanding so we can best assist customers who need a partner in East Asia in the development and manufacturing of electronic & mechanical products.
Our Company Culture
Company Culture
Driven by Danish values and management principles, our top priority is to ensure we meet customers’ demands and exceed their expectations in all our endeavours and activities. We see this as our constant source and inspiration for continues improvements.
Customer Driven Attitude
Internally and Externally understanding and servicing customers’ needs, being proactive, and taking the initiative to solve all given challenges.
Integrity is the hallmark of our organization, with all our team members consistently trying to achieve and maintain the respect of our clients, partners, and customers.
Each team member of CMM must earn the respect and credibility from others inside and outside the company, and the whole company must strives for the highest level of credibility with all its external interactions. In other words, we do and honor what CMM commits to.
Work together and productively achieve our set goals. Respect our co-workers and partners and show appreciation for their contribution and the importance of their job. Provide clear expectations, guidelines, and resources to enable individuals to achieve targets.
Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement toward is essential to achieve credibility with all stakeholders. Therefore, CMM as a company and each team member continually works to improve and training is accepted as a joint responsibility between team members and the company.